Heading To Lebec, 2021

Average_Jbob overlooks Santa Clarita, CA.

Yes, I am still working on posting my review of my adventures at the Spartan Ultra Beast in Big Bear CA this year.  Yes, I know it was over a month ago and the post COULD be considered to be LATE.  Ok, it probably SHOULD be considered LATE.


I’m not going to offer excuses. . .putting food on my families table shouldn’t keep me from updating the runners blog I do for free.  Spending time with my wife and kids shouldn’t stop me from telling complete strangers stories about trying to run around in the woods.  And you know what?  Quite frankly, none of that does.  TV shows and Video Games. . .THAT’S what keeps me from updating this blog!

Most days, when I have the time to sit down and start digging into a new Post, it’s at the end of my day. . .after I’ve already commuted to work and back, gone for an hour+ run, and interacted with my family.  Then I sit down, open up the laptop to start writing, and promptly find something to watch.  Just being honest!  When I actually DO start to write and can get into the flow of it, I really REALLY enjoy doing it. . .it’s just hard to get in the correct MIND STATE sometimes.


Ok. . .I should wrap this up since it’s almost 6:30am on Saturday, November 20th, and I’m supposed to be heading out the door in a few moments.  I’m on my way to ‘run’ in the Spartan Beast at Lebec CA.  Maybe I’ll put a recap post together about it in a few weeks. . .maybe I’ll watch re-runs of The Office.

Average Jbob

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